Basándose fundamentalmente en las diferencias de espesor de las capas corticales y en el tamaño y forma de las neuronas, el anatomista alemán K. Brodmann identifico casi 50 divisiones (denominadas actualmente áreas de Brodmann [BA]). Estas divisiones se basan en la citoarquitectura del cortex.

Imagen 1: Superficie lateral de un hemisferio cerebral con sus áreas de Brodmann numeradas.

Imagen 2: Superficie media de un hemisferio cerebral con sus áreas de Brodmann numeradas.

Tabla 1: Áreas de Brodmann. Nota: las áreas 13,14,15 y 16 forman parte de la ínsula


 Functional areas of the cerebrum

Overlay of the main functional areas of the cerebrum seen on the (A) lateral, (B) medial, and (C) inferior surfaces of the cerebrum. (D) Is an oblique view of the cerebrum with the frontal and parietal opercula removed to expose the superior temporal gyrus.

    1. Broca's motor speech area (Brodmann 44 and 45)
    2. Frontal eye field (Brodmann 8)
    3. Hearing association (Brodmann 22)
    4. Limbic association area
    5. Prefrontal cortex (Brodmann 9, 10, 11, 46 and 47)
    6. Premotor or supplementary motor area (Brodmann 6)
    7. Primary and association areas for smell or olfaction (Brodmann 38 and 28)
    8. Primary hearing (audition) area (Brodmann 41 and 42)
    9. Primary somatomotor area (Brodmann 4)
    10. Primary somatosensory (somesthetic) area (Brodmann 3, 1 and 2)
    11. Primary visual area (Brodmann 17)
    12. Somatosensory association area (Brodmann 5 and 7)
    13. Visual association area (Brodmann 18 and 19)
    14. Wernicke's hearing association area (Brodmann 39 and 40)

The primary somatomotor area consists of the precentral gyrus on both the superolateral and medial (anterior aspect of the paracentral lobule) surfaces.

The premotor or supplementary motor area is primarily on the medial surface, anterior to the paracentral lobule and also in a thin strip of the posterior ends of the superior, middle and upper inferior frontal gyri, immediately anterior to the precentral gyrus.

The frontal eye field can be located at the posterior end of the middle frontal gyrus.

Broca's motor speech area is found at the pars opercularis and pars triangularis of the inferior frontal gyrus.

The prefrontal cortex includes the entire frontal lobe except the motor areas mentioned above.

The primary somatosensory area consists of the postcentral gyrus on both the superolateral and medial (posterior aspect of the paracentral lobule) surfaces.

The somatosensory association area lies in the superior parietal lobule.

The primary hearing (audition) area is located in the short anterior transverse temporal gyri (Heschl's convolutions) within the lateral fissure and for a small distance onto the superior temporal gyrus. The hearing association area can be found in the long posterior transverse temporal gyri (planum temporale), immediately caudal to the primary auditory area.

Wernicke's hearing association area includes the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus and a major part of the inferior parietal lobule – consisting of the supramarginal and angular gyri.

The primary visual area is found on the medial surface of the occipital lobe adjacent to the calcarine sulcus, while the visual association area lies adjacent to the latter – consisting of the rest of the occipital lobe and extending into the temporal and even parietal lobes.



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